13 March 2024
Crusta C is ready to do its bit!

As part of a campaign to raise awareness about our energy consumption on the Boulogne-sur- Mer site, Crusta C has developed a number of easy-to-understand communication tools to point people towards good practices.
What exactly are we talking about?
Using a light-hearted and original approach, we’ve aimed to communicate important ideas such as: ‘switch off lights’ to reduce energy use, ‘close doors’ to stop draughts and cut down on heat loss etc. Stickers, leaflets and even a poster are used to get the message across!
This gentle but informative approach will encourage people to adopt simple eco-friendly behaviours without haranguing them. The aim is to remind people of what to do so that small actions become automatic!
And what could be better than a prawn to embody our message?

Boulogne-sur-Mer, a pioneering site.
We’ve launched this campaign on our most northerly site with the help of Erwan CAMUS, our Health, Safety and Environment Assistant, (if you’d like to find out more about him, why not take a look at his 1M1E interview). We’re planning on rolling out similar campaigns at Crusta C’s three other sites, although with adaptations to meet each sites’ specific requirements.
In practical terms, what have we come up with?
Here are the communication materials that have been designed for Boulogne-sur-Mer:

A poster to explain the campaign.

Stickers to be placed beside key locations: light switches, heaters and doors.

A leaflet with information about easy actions that can be done at home. Available at reception and in break rooms.
So, what do you think?
Discover the other three sites which will soon be implementing similar initiatives.