8 December 2023
1M1E – December 2023: Camille Delrieu, Sales Assistant

To finish the year off with a bang, we head to our L'Isle-Jourdain site to meet Camille Delrieu, who has been a Sales Assistant here for almost 2 years!
How would you describe your typical working day?
I begin my day by processing, inputting and accepting customer orders. At the same time, I help manage client-related issues, mostly in relation to wholesalers, and I work at reducing excess stock with the help of our clients.
My afternoons are generally taken up by sales and administrative tasks. I also look after orders for prawns placed by company employees and individuals who are not employed here.
What projects are you currently working on?
My principal focus is customer satisfaction and eliminating delays in processing orders. I and my colleagues pull out all the stops to ensure that everything is sent out on time and, no less importantly, that there is a good working atmosphere, both for those inputting the orders and for those who prepare it at the loading bay.
In a few words, describe your role to us.
Support, Organizational skills and Versatility
- Support: my colleagues can rely on me to help lessen their day-to-day workload.
- Organizational skills: these are key in my opinion. If I didn’t have them, my day would be very complicated – I’m a big fan of to-do lists!
- Versatility: this a foundational value for sales assistants – we’re able to input an order and 10 seconds later deal with a client issue. It’s about being able to manage lots of things at the one time.
What are the key challenges or goals you have at work?
Job satisfaction is very important for me. Although I feel I already have this satisfaction, I’d like to have more responsibilities in the future.
If you could choose anyone at all to be your mentor, who would it be?
I think I’d choose my husband. His extensive experience in the field of business has enabled him to pass on so much in terms of values and helpful tips, especially to persevere, even when things are hard.
He’s a real role model to me, both on a personal and professional level.
What do you like best about your work?
Definitely working with customers! Also, the chance to discover a job that was completely unknown to me before.
(Not to forget my amazing colleagues and our cake/sweets cabinet).
Which professional achievement are you most proud of?
My background is in the hospitality sector, which is completely different to the world of administrative tasks and sales. Starting out at Crusta C was a real challenge for me. Thanks to the confidence placed in me by my manager, Julie, and my own enthusiasm, I’ve moved into a sales assistant position without having any previous formal training in this field and I’m very proud to be able to progress in this new profession.
What advice would you give to new team members?
Have a strong cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up properly - we get to work as soon as you’re through the door, there’s no time to be bored! :-)
Above all, what I think is key is to be well organized and not to let yourself get overwhelmed by stress, which is why it’s so important to be organized.
December’s question is: we’re getting ready for New Year, have you a good recipe to share with us?
No New Year would be complete without drinks and finger food. A great recipe idea is butternut squash purée verrines topped by 30/40 grade prawns marinated in curry sauce and garlic.
We’d like to thank Camille for agreeing to take part in our December interview!
If you would like to read more interviews, take a look at our blog.
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